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Educators License Plate

Show your support of public education in Georgia by purchasing an Honor Educators specialty license plate. It’s a simple way to help fund programs across the state that directly benefit Georgia’s 1.7 million public education students. 

To purchase your plate, visit your local county tag office and tell them you want the Honor Educators license plate. A portion of the funds generated through sales and renewals are directed to the Georgia Foundation for Public Education to be used for programs such as Teacher of the Year, rural education and grants to Georgia’s state schools for blind, deaf and hard of hearing students. 

The initial cost to purchase the specialty plate is $80 plus ad valorem tax. The cost to renew annually is $55 plus applicable ad valorem tax. The GFPE receives $10 for every Support Education license plate purchased or renewed.

View Details About Honor Educators License Plates

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Support Education License Plate


The Right Team, Right Time

“Enabling people to reach their full potential is our purpose at Synovus, and that includes helping students prepare for their futures, whether through financial education or supporting the state’s PEACH Education Tax Credit fund. Supporting young people in their pursuit of innovative, entrepreneurial and creative industries through this tax credit expands educational opportunities for all students, provides a competitive edge, and is paramount to the growth of Georgia’s economic future." -Kevin Blair, Synovus Chairman, CEO and President